
The institution has 360 degree extensive gardens making the campus lush green and eco-friendly. They enhanced the aesthetic appearance of the campus beyond imagination. The green audit of the campus has been carried out regularly. Our campus stretches 42,290 square meters out of which around 50% of the campus is covered with lush green vegetation & lawns. The Ecological club has been executing certain necessary measures to conserve Ozone belt of the college campus to make it ecological paradise. The campus has abundant water resources like an open well, a few bore wells and Municipal Water supply. The campus tree plantation is routinely carried out. Medicinal plants are well maintained on the campus. A renewable energy source like Solar Lighting has been installed on the campus. The Campus is encircled by a 360o garden. It naturally reduces CO2 content in the relatable atmosphere. The trees nurtured in the campus ooze 26,995 kg oxygen annually.

Information resources

Area already under Green covers in sq.meter 4758 sq. mts.
Area of Gardens (in sq.meter) 4758 sq.mts
Number of lawn stretches and area covered (in sq.meter) 12 & 4359 sq.mts.
Number of trees in the campus 12 & 4359 sq.mts.
Number of fruit bearing trees in the campus 114
Number of medicinal plants 18
Number of sacred plants 130
Number of rare / endangered plants 12
Number of shade houses 01
Number of vermicompost units 01